Car Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions

Providing Vehicle on Hire:


Upon receipt of the booking request by Wanderides from the Hirer through its Mobile Application/Website/Telephone, Wanderides has provided the Vehicle/s for hire to the Hirer for his/her bonafide personal and/or official use as indicated in the booking request on a day mentioned in the Reservation Details.


Hirer, himself/herself, shall drive the Vehicle and he/she is not authorised to assign/sub-let/license the Vehicle or its use to any other person whomsoever. If the Vehicle is supposed to be driven by any other person then the Hirer shall ensure that such driver is holding a valid driving license and the Hirer shall provide details of any such additional driver.


The Hirer is not permitted to use/drive the Vehicle:

to carry a number of persons exceeding the permissible number as specified in MVT Law

to ferry passengers or any goods for consideration or reward whether expressed or implied.

to carry any contraband, hazardous or inflammable material, firearms or other band or prohibited articles under Indian laws.

for any illegal or unlawful activity or purpose.

in any motorsport event of any kind including but not limited to racing, or rallying or for the purpose of learning driving of Vehicles or taking or giving driving lessons, speed testing or any other similar activities causing damage to the Vehicle

to propel or tow any other vehicle or trailer

beyond the speed limit of 120 Km/Hour in all vehicles (As per government rules and regulations, few cars may be speed limited to 80 km/hr for your safety.)

under the influence of alcohol or drugs or sufferance from any disease or disability, which may cause his/her driving ability or which is likely to cause a source of danger to the public and/or to the Vehicle.


The Hirer shall be liable to pay the stipulated charges as mentioned in the Damage charges if the Hirer or any other person authorised by him/her fails to observe the terms of usage of the Vehicle as stated in point (3) above.

General Terms:


The Hirer intending to enter into this Agreement and rent the vehicle on a self-drive basis should have attained 21 years of age and shall have a driving experience of a minimum of 1 year in addition to submission of a valid driving license, voter ID/Passport and credit card details to Wanderides.


The Hirer shall not make any addition or alteration to the Vehicle or carry out or replace any parts of the Vehicle. The Hirer shall ensure that distinguishing marks carried or exhibited in or on the Vehicle is/are not removed and that he/she shall not tamper with or damage the odometer or any other accessories fitted in the Vehicle and in case aforesaid is done, the Hirer shall be solely liable to replace the same at his/her own cost and consequences and also be liable for payment of charges as stipulated in the Damage charges and any other charges incidental and ancillary.


The Hirer shall allow the official of Wanderides at least 20 Mins to inspect the Vehicle when the same is delivered back to Wanderides at the airport pick-up location or in the office.


In case of any offence under any traffic rules or violation of any law, statute or regulation by the Hirer, the Hirer shall alone be responsible and liable for the said offence or violation and shall be solely liable to pay the amount of any fine/penalty, likely to be imposed or levied by any government authority in that regard. If, however, the Hirer fails to pay the same, Wanderides shall pay that amount and the same will be paid by the hirer during the return of the vehicle.


The Hirer shall inspect the Vehicle for any of its luggage and/or items at the time of handing over the delivery of the Vehicle back to Wanderides. Wanderides shall not be responsible for any luggage and/or items left in the Vehicle by the Hirer and/or the co-passengers.


The Vehicle will be provided to the Hirer with a full/Half/Empty tank filled in. The Hirer shall verify and confirm the same at the time of taking possession of the Vehicle before the commencement of the Hire Period. The Hirer shall return the Vehicle with the same fuel level.


The Vehicle shall be returned in the same conditions in which the Vehicle was taken at the time of commencement of the Hire Period along with the following:

With tyres, tools, accessories, and equipment

Manufacturer Manual, warranties, and other documents furnished by the Manufacturer in respect of the Vehicle.

Copies of the registration certificate and the insurance policy (Car Documents).

Keys (original) of the Vehicle and accessories of the Vehicle.


If Hirer fails to hand over any of the above at the time of returning the Vehicle, he/she will be liable to pay extra charges up to the value of the product.

Accidents (Partial or Total) & Theft of Vehicle:


Accident: In case of any accident, in which the Vehicle is involved, during the Hire Period, the Hirer shall furnish to Wanderides all details in connection with the accident as Wanderides may require and shall, if required, attend before the Court or any other authority to give evidence thereof. In case of a major accident at a site where Wanderides doesn't operate, 'Towing Charge' till the pickup destination will have to be borne by the Hirer.


Theft/Total Loss of Vehicle: In case of theft / total loss of the Vehicle during the Hire Period, the Hirer shall be liable to bear damages as specified herein below:

Damage cost up to INR 20,000/- is to be paid by Hirer.

In case the damage is over INR 20,000, an insurance claim will be filed and the depreciation amount & parts which are not covered under the insurance will be borne by the Hirer.

In the case of drinking & drive, Rash the Hirer's maximum liability of INR 20,000 as stated above will not be applicable. In such an event, the Hirer shall be liable to pay the actual damage cost.

The assessment by Wanderides with regard to damage to the Vehicle shall be final.

Governing Laws:


This agreement shall be governed by, construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India.


If any term or provision of this Agreement is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms and provisions of this Agreement shall remain unimpaired and in full force and effect.

Refund Policy


In the case of unforeseen weather conditions or government restrictions, certain activities may be cancelled and in such cases, the operator will try his best to provide an alternate feasible activity. However, no refund will be provided for the same.


If cancellations are made within 0-10 days before the start date of the trip, 100% of the trip cost will be charged as cancellation fees.


If cancellations are made 10-20 days before the start date of the trip, 75% of the trip cost will be charged as cancellation fees.


If cancellations are made 20 days before the start date of the trip, 50% of the trip cost will be charged as cancellation fees.